Let’s Grow & Earn Together
Earn 50% commission of revenue by simply introducing new customers to beehiiv
Join thousands earning monthly passive income as beehiiv partners
How it works
Sign Up
Sign up for a beehiiv account to access your partner dashboard, and custom partner link.
Share your partner link with your audience with ease.
Earn 50% of revenue from your referrals for an entire year.
Estimate your earnings with referrals
$70,200 / year
We Make It Easy
Our Partner Program equips you with everything you need for smooth sailing while sharing beehiiv.
Every partner receives our Partner Playbook to thrive.
Access our private Partner Newsletter with weekly leader board standings, product updates, and partner strategies.
Tap into our extensive library of resources and assets to make sharing beehiiv effortless.
Discover our library of partner case studies showcasing the strategies of high-earning peers.
the BEACH club
Every quarter, our top beehiiv partner receives an all expense paid getaway to a premium beach destination. (*Sunscreen not included)