More Insights.
More Engagement.

Gather quantitative and qualitative data directly from your readers, without them needing to leave the newsletter.


With beehiiv polls you can engage, optimize, and grow your audience with ease.

Get started

Capture Real-Time Feedback

Gather instantaneous feedback from your readers directly within your newsletter.

Elevate Engagement Metrics

Interactive elements like polls invite your readers to actively participate, making your emails more appealing and engaging.

Fine-Tune Your Content Strategy

Adjust and refine your content to better resonate with your audience and meet their needs.

Share Audience Insights

Spark discussions, build community, and create a sense of transparency and inclusivity.

How it works

Define Your Objective

Determine the purpose and goal of your poll, whether it's to gather insights, gauge reader preferences, or enhance audience engagement.

Craft Engaging Questions

Create compelling poll questions that are concise and relevant to your audience. Use various question types to capture diverse responses and opinions.

Embed in Your Content

Seamlessly integrate polls into your newsletter or website, allowing subscribers to participate effortlessly without leaving your content.

Analyze Results

Monitor poll responses in real-time and leverage the data to make informed decisions about your content, audience, and marketing strategies.

Start scaling your newsletter today

Focus on creating great content, and we'll handle the rest 💪🏽

"THIS IS A GAME CHANGER! We highlight a company and every week have investors vote on what they think of the company. This data is incredibly valuable to have. The beehiiv poll has literally become a core part of our product."


"Polls have been a real game-changer for me. They've given me this amazing opportunity to directly ask people what they think, in a way that's super easy for them. Not only do these polls help me level up my content, but they also let me better tailor it to my audience. It's been incredibly helpful."


"Polls have made the newsletter way more interactive. Reading a newsletter is usually a completely static experience. It's really hard to design an interactive experience and get readers to engage with you. Embedded polls do this better than anything else we've found so far."


Got Questions?

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Newsletters made simple

Newsletters made simple

Newsletters made simple

Newsletters made simple

Newsletters made simple

Newsletters made simple

Newsletters made simple

Newsletters made simple

Newsletters made simple

Newsletters made simple

Newsletters made simple

Newsletters made simple